Art by Tony Shasteen has been featured before on the now retired Indie Minded website with a spotlight on his “Stealing the Scene” collection – classic moments & quotes from cult films in his comic book art style. These are different and wholly appropriate for Mad Men t-shirts. Tony has a hip retro design style in which he brings to life four of the key characters from the 1960’s set television show. It would be groovy to see some other characters, and should they surface we’ll be the first to advertise.
Pick one up today and during any social gathering, if you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation… and shift it to your Retro Mad Men t-shirt!
This Retro Mad Men T-Shirts post contains affiliate links and we will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on the links.
Mad Men – Don Draper

Mad Men – Joan Holloway
Mad Men – Roger Sterling

Mad Men – Peggy Olson

ShasteenFrey on neatoshop | @TonyShasteen | Facebook